Sunday, September 6, 2020

What's New at FamilySearch?

We watched another virtual session yesterday and learned about some changes they have made at FamilySearch recently.

Books: Under the search button, choose the "books" option. You will find several libraries listed where you can search for digital books available in those facilities.

Images: This seems to be a new choice. Once you have clicked on "images" under the search button you can narrow a search to a specific location--and then to a particular time period. The results will be microfilms, but narrowing the search to a certain year or years will let you begin to browse the film at that entry point rather than reading the entire film.

FamilyTree: Have you tried "enable relationship viewing?" Click on your name in the upper right and choose "contact" in the resulting field. Then you can opt to make your relationship public. If other folks have done the same, it's possible to learn how you are related to people who are adding sources and other information to your ancestors' pages.

FamilySearch is also adding other "helps" that can assist you in making decisions when you are thinking about merging ancestors in FamilyTree. This is an ongoing process.

Use the handy link to FamilySearch in the menu list on the right.

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