Tuesday, January 21, 2014

State Research Guides on Ancestry

Ancestry has begun producing state research guides, and Ken Doane suggested that we print and file them in our club information folders.

Ancestry says, "The guides offer a crash course on state history, records particular to the state, record repositories, collections on Ancestry.com, and other state resources to help you bring your research closer to home. If you haven’t seen your state yet, it’s coming."

We have printed the guide for New York, which contains a summary of early New York history, available census information, vital record dates, Ancestry's New York collections and also lists other record repositories. The guide ends with a timeline through 1960 that includes items such as wars, major epidemics, and other events that might explain actions of your ancestors.

Other states that are already available include Alaska, California, Georgia, Indiana, Texas and Virginia. We will get these guides printed and into the appropriate folders as soon as possible. 

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