Thursday, May 9, 2013

Genealogy conference - Day 2

Ran into former club member Patty Foley on check-in day; she's attending her first national conference and says it won't be her last!

I attended a variety of lectures today: Chain Migration from Galicia, Poland (where my grandmother was born), Life After the IGI, Women and the Law, Project Planning and Analysis, Overcoming Spelling Problems to Unlock the Power of Names.

Dick found most intriguing a session about another new feature on Family Search called "Community Trees," described in the syllabus as a "locality-based, lineage-linked, sourced genealogy database." If you'd like to take a look at what they're doing, here's a link.

We sign up for the noon lunches where we also hear a speaker following the meal. Dick continued his lucky streak, winning one of the door prizes at lunch. No surprise there.

Tomorrow's "track" includes Skillbuilding, Methodology & Research, Religion, Native American Research, The West, Migration, New York, DNA, and Gen Tech. That means all five sessions in each track have a class dealing with that subject. Dick will attend at least two of the New York classes, while I'm looking forward to two different geography-related presentations.

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