Thursday, March 12, 2020

Neglected Websites

This week we took a look at a few free websites that we should probably use more often. If you haven't visited them recently, you might want to take a look. Annie demonstrated glorecords, raogk, usgenweb and findagrave.

Let's look at some neglected websites takes you to the land patent records of an ancestor who was able to purchase government land or the warrants that soldiers were awarded after their service. You can view the patent details (which also shows a map), the patent image and related details that show others who bought land in the same section. is a volunteer site where you can request lookups for areas that you might not be able to visit in person. The website has been in existence for a long time, although it took a break when the originator passed away. It has a Facebook presence, also. has recently been updated. You can visit any county in any state to see what records have been uploaded by volunteers. There is a Canadian version as well as a worldgenweb. has a feature that some visitors might not notice. If you scroll down on an ancestor's memorial page, you can view others with the same surname in this cemetery. You can also choose to look for your surname in the same town or county.

Members who braved the rain to attend

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