Tuesday, May 14, 2019

2019 Genealogy Conference - Day 2

"How Advertising Brought Our Ancestors to the Midwest" was one of the interesting talks I attended on Thursday. The speaker used all sorts of examples such as posters, newspaper ads, railroad flyers, etc. to illustrate how the advertising was done. States with low population in certain areas tried to attract settlers, especially for the farming industry. States also created immigration boards who sent representatives to Europe to attract immigrants.

Wouldn't you be intrigued by the title "The Fisherman Who Wanted to Marry the Executioner's Daughter: Stories From German Marriage Sources?" The executioner's family was of a lower social strata; the fishermen as a group would not allow the marriage.

Another session was about the changes in research habits since the advent of the computer--and the downside! I also attended "Migrating from the Eastern U.S. to Mid-America" where the speaker spent quite a bit of time discussing migration routes through Tennessee and Kentucky.

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