Friday, February 22, 2019

Genealogy Club - February 19

Steve  Packer was our guest speaker Tuesday night. We learned a great deal about the history of Eastern Europe and what makes research in the area difficult. Steve made use of a large selection of maps to show how the boundaries of the region changed over the years and suggested several websites that might be helpful.

Steve Packer

Tuesday was also our annual cookie and door prize evening. Louise baked us a delicious selection of cookies that originated in Eastern Europe. Pryanik, or Russian honey gingerbread, represented Russia and the Ukraine and Gusinye Lapki, "geese feet," also originated in Russia. The Czech Republic was represented by Kolaches. Chrusciki or angel wings came from Poland. Louise also baked springerle, a German cookie, and a batch of sugar-free oatmeal cookies. Thanks, Louise!

A very small selection remained!

Door prizes were won by Diane Jalbert, Maureen Edwards, Bob Nale, Mary McCann and Nancy Archibald. Congratulations to all.

Door prize table

New officers to help with the club next year include Susan Mavor as vice president and Bob O'Donnell as treasurer. Thanks for "volunteering," you two.

Great attendance!

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