Monday, February 2, 2015

This Week's Legacy Webinars

Wednesday's webinar is specific to English research and is appropriate for beginners. The Friday webinar would be of particular interest to those who have ancestors who served in the Confederate army and is geared to both beginner and intermediate researchers. Register to watch in real time at or watch at your leisure during the week following each presentation.

Wednesday, February 4: Kirsty Gray

One-Place Studies - Tracing the History of a Community
"The people, the streets, the churches, the workplaces, the shops and the public buildings – there are so many aspects to explore in a village to uncover its fascinating history. The village detective, Kirsty Gray, documents the sources available to trace the history of villages, with particular reference to her own one-place studies in southern England, and how genealogical/historical records can be used to build up a comprehensive picture of a community from the 18th to the 21st century."

Friday, February 6: J. Mark Lowe

Step-by-Step - Finding Confederate Soldiers and Their Records
"Using a record-based approach, learn to find the basic records of your Confederate Ancestor. A review of basic military records will be presented by following a solider throughout all available records, including Pensions (online and textual) and alternates: local civil records, Fraternal Organizations, state agency records, home guard and militia records, manuscripts, and newspaper accounts."

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