We're looking forward to some informative meetings in January. The first Tuesday comes early in the month, so we'll be starting with a workshop. Here's the scoop!
January 2 - During this workshop we will begin with a few suggestions for genealogy goals for the year, but the main focus will be a review of the many ways to find records on FamilySearch.
January 9 - Pam Ingermanson, who gave such a great presentation over Zoom in 2021) will join us to talk about Family Search Memories and the Family Tree App. She has also agreed to answer any questions members may have about the FamilySearch website. Start making a list!
January 16 - This week's workshop topic is census research with tips for locating information beyond names, ages and birthplaces.
January 23 - Diane's presentation is about using Find A Grave. We'll learn about any recent changes in the site and how to use it most efficiently.
January 30 - The month's final workshop will be a review of vital records, including why they are important research targets, what information they may provide and where to find them.