August 3: Thomas MacEntee will be talking about "Getting Started With Power Point." If you have an interest, you can catch this presentation for the next week or so at
August 10: Beth Foulk will present "The Battle for Bounty Land: War of 1812 and Mexican-American Wars." For intermediate researchers the discussion will focus on military pension and other land purchases following these wars.
August 12: Bernice Bennett will discuss the "Homestead Act of 1862" by presenting a case study of four individuals that served as witnesses and acquired land in Livingston Parish, Louisiana.
August 16: Shellee Morehead will present "Another Kind of Navigation: GPS for Genealogy." In this case GPS stands for the "Genealogical Proof Standard." This lecture describes the 5 steps of the Genealogical Proof Standard to establish proof of identities and relationships. See how reasonably exhaustive research, accurate citations, analysis and correlation of data, the resolution of conflicting data and a reasoned, written conclusion was used to identify the parents of a Civil War soldier who shaved 10 years off his age and complicated the search for this relationship. For intermediate and advanced researchers.
August 17: Amy Johnson Crow will talk about "Successfully Applying to a Lineage Society."
August 24: Brian Donovan is presenting "Using FindMyPast to Unlock Your Irish Ancestry." For beginner and intermediate researchers, Brian will talk about how to use the millions of Irish records now available on FindMyPast.
August 26: Luana Darby will present "Finding French Ancestors." She will cover resources and techniques for French research.