Angela Walton-Raji will be presenting the June 25 webinar for beginning researchers. If you have Native American ancestors, this is the topic for you.
Documenting Native American Families in 19th and 20th Century Records
"Native American ancestry is often perceived as a lineage difficult to trace. There are a number of records from public resources that reflect Indian communities, both large and small. This workshop will illustrate the records found in both 19th and 20th century collections. To be discussed will be traditional census records and how to find unique tribal communities, as well as specific Indian rolls from New England to the western frontier."
Judy Russell, the "genealogist with a law degree" will talk about copyright on June 27. Those members who are beginning to think about writing about their family--or who are already in the process--will find this of interest. It is directed toward beginning and intermediate researchers.
Copyright Mythconceptions
"What we don’t know about copyright law can hurt us – right in the pocketbook! Here’s a guide to the most common mistakes and misunderstandings about copyright and what we can and can’t do with materials created by others in our family research."